Texas Shred


NAID AAA Certified

Entrusting your business documents with a NAID-certified company significantly minimizes the risk that your documents will be mishandled upon destruction.

This certification states that Texas Shred and its employees adhere to the data protection laws and undergo audits to ensure our company stays compliant with federal and state regulations, while maintaining secure data destruction practices.​

How Does NAID AAA Certification Affect Document Shredding?

As a NAID AAA certified company, we duly destroy all customer data and information before they are properly disposed of in accordance with the FACTA Final Disposal Rule. We also adhere to PCI compliance rules, which state that:

Adherence to the FACTA Red Flags Rule, which requires audits of data-related vendors who have access to customers’ personal data and information.

Electronic data must be completely wiped out by utilizing secure wipe standards in accordance with the relevant industry regulations.


Documents scheduled to be destroyed must be strictly kept in secure containers that prevent access from anyone.

Hard copy material must be cross-cut shredded, pulped, or incinerated. All documents and materials which contain sensitive data and information are destroyed in such a way that it is impossible to reconstruct them.